21/02/2012- Atualizado - Texto de Cláudio Daniel no facebook
ONU pede pressão a Israel por preso palestino em greve de fome
O relator especial da ONU para os Direitos Humanos nos territórios ocupados palestinos, Richard Falk, fez um apelo nesta quarta-feira à comunidade internacional para que intervenha "urgentemente" junto ao governo israelense em nome de um prisioneiro palestino em greve de fome.
O palestino Khader Adnan mantém uma greve de fome há 60 dias em protesto por sua detenção administrativa sem que tenha sido acusado de nenhum crime, lembra o analista da ONU em comunicado.
Segundo Falk, a vida do detido "está em perigo" e o relator reivindica de Israel "medidas imediatas e eficazes" para salvar a vida de Adnan e garantir seus direitos.
"Faço um chamado à comunidade internacional, especialmente aqueles Estados com relações com Israel, que peçam ao governo israelense para cumprir suas responsabilidades com a lei internacional, mais urgentemente no que diz respeito ao caso de Adnan", acrescenta a nota.
Falk também fez um apelo ao governo de Israel para que cumpra suas obrigações legais para com os milhares de palestinos presos.
"O tratamento inadequado dos milhares de prisioneiros palestinos pelo governo de Israel deveria ser motivo de grande preocupação para a comunidade internacional, e é um problema que estou prestando muita atenção no contexto de minha atual visita à região", conclui.
Free Khader Adnan – Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights
On December 17th, 2011, Palestinian political prisoner Khader Adnan was arrested by Israeli forces and placed in administrative detention. On December 18th, 2011, he began a hunger strike in protest of his ill treatment. 54 days later, he is in critical condition. This protest in Chicago was in solidarity with Khader Adnan and all Palestinian political prisoners.
Khader Adnan, the father of two daughters and with a third child on the way, is a baker, a Masters student in Economics at Birzeit University, and a political activist.
Khader, was arrested on December 17, 2011 by masked soldiers who raided his home in the middle of the night (the village of Arrabe near Jenin in the occupied West Bank).
Between the 18th and the 29th of January 2012, he was subjected to almost daily cruel and inhumane interrogations. During interrogations, he was shackled to a crooked chair with his hands tied behind his back in a position that caused him back pain. He said that interrogators threatened him constantly and verbally abused him and his family.
Khader was given a four-month administrative detention order on January 8, 2012. Khader’s interrogation period has ended but he refuses to accept the unjust system of administrative detention [more details], continuing his strike on the principle that such detention is a violation of his rights and identity.
Administrative detention, a regular practice of the Israeli occupation, violates the internationally-recognized right to a fair trial. International standards for fair trial must be upheld for all political detainees, including those accused of violence, even under states of emergency.
A military judge reviewed the administrative detention order on February 1, 2012 and is expected to inform lawyers of her decision later on this week. Meanwhile, Khader’s health is deteriorating rapidly and doctors don’t expect him to be able to survive for much longer.
De: Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights
Fonte: Protest in the USA
حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني فتح
بطولة فرديه للأسير المناضل البطل خضر عدنان
تسجل بأحرف من ذهب
خضر عدنان هذا المناضل المضرب عن الطعام منذ قرابة الشهرين بشكل متواصل احتجاجا على اعتقاله من قبل الكيان الصهيوني وإعادته الى الاعتقال الإداري بدون محاكمه وهو من اكتوى بنار مثل تلك الاعتقالات الغير محددة الإفراج أراد ان يوجه بجسده وأمعائه الخاوية رسالة بطوله الى كل القادة الفلسطينيين والعرب والمسلمين .
خضر عدنان هذا الفارس الذي لم يكن هذا الإضراب الأول الذي يخوضه متحديا مصلحة السجون الصهيونية وضاربا مثلا على الرجولة والشجاعة لفلسطيني بطل يتحدى السجان في حاله فرديه ويعرض حياته للخطر في سبيل تجسيد مواقف مشرفه تكتب بأحرف من ذهب في سيرته الذاتية ومواقف يتم تدارسها مستقبلا في شعبنا الفلسطيني .
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